Category: Randomly Speaking

  • Talent! Less…

    Over the weekend I saw all these amazing creations on Etsy and I realised that Etsy is a HUGE enemy… seriously, all these amazing things at insane prices all sitting there taunting me and my useless-ness. I see all these things and just can’t fathom how someone goes about making most of them. They are […]

  • Spark of Compassion?

    Ha! Unlikely… well maybe a slight one. However unlikely it is 🙂 Tonight I was watching this Aussie show called Can We Help? People write in questions and the show answers them and generally there is a longer segment where they help find people from other people’s past. Tonights ‘lost person’ was about a family […]

  • Good week.

    This week is flying by! I hope it can slow itself down for the weekend though because it’s time for catching up on sleep, Torchwood (mmm Jack) and everything in between (not much but time can still go slow if it likes). This week I pretty much felt free at work for the first time […]

  • Promotion without the payrise

    I can barely remember this week beginning and now it is coming to an end. This week was a week of ups (YAY), perhaps it is true that time flies when you’re having fun! Although, there was a part of yesterday where I was getting more and more frustrated by the second and yet time […]

  • The humble life of a Pheasant Plucker

    Can you hear that? Neither can I… It’s Oh So Quiet, but soon again.. shh shh… starts ANOTHER BIG RIOT! Hee, that song totally got into my head when I was thinking about this post. And well, it’s not so quiet right now because I’ve just you tubed that song (the original not that Bjork) […]