A little in between

Today I have felt a bit off, a bit not quite right and a bit in between. I don’t know why but I spent the afternoon in a daze of half conscious-ness and stupid mistakes. For some reason I feel what I can only explain as a mix of jealous loss… I don’t ask me to elaborate what I feel just feels like I imagine jealous loss to feel.

I don’t even know why, I have nothing to be jealous of and I’ve lost nothing. I feel like in a second I could cry and I couldn’t tell you why.

It is strange, Thursday night is Glee and Gossip Girl night… as a lover of TV this is a great night for me but even that isn’t getting me out of this slump I’m in.

Currently, I’m lost for words. I’m hoping left over pizza, soft drink and a big bag of Starburst Babies will see me through… that’s the plan anyway.

3 responses to “A little in between”

  1. Wow, at lest I'm not alone! I get this feeling a lot. Although it's due to depression for me. Which is due to my job.. ex job. xD But the first time I was depressed, there was no reason behind it. And I always felt this way. It sucks. I hate not knowing why I can breakdown in a second.

    I hope you got over this feeling. Left over pizza should defo help eh? Not that I should even let the word pizza pass my lips. mmm…pizza…

    My new job IS a lot better then my old one, thank you. ๐Ÿ™‚ Well, I've only been here 7 days, and it's not so bad! Just common farm work atm. I've already learnt some things that I should of learnt last year. So I'm progressing. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have a good week. ๐Ÿ™‚

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