This month the Day in the Life link up was meant to happen on the 10th and I actually took photos and everything this time but house buying and moving and cleaning and life got in the way of getting the post written. And here it is 10 days later and I don’t really remember much BUT I do have some photos.
For about 2 weeks it had been raining non stop here so every time we visited our new place it was grey and dreary and the 10th was no different. In fact, one of the things I remember most from this day was the fact that I checked the mail and there were a few snails in the process of devouring all of our mail. So we had some snail mail, literally! Get it, snail.. mail..

We also learnt a bit that day about what data cabling we have in the place and it’s actually pretty decent! Nearly every room is connected so we will have the internet everywhere! While we were testing that, I remember taking this photo and marvelling (again) at how cool our stair lights are.. yes stair lights can be cool!

Mostly, I remember being nervous about moving and hoping everything would go ok. Also, walking to work in the rain, again. Fortunately, it did go ok and our moving day cleared up and it was the first day of sunshine we’d seen in a long time.
We’re also working on a new blog, the domain I bought about 20mins after .house was released on the 9th (10th for me) and we think it really suits all our new house things. Take a look if you’re interested – – new TLDs are fun!